STI Petőfi wins again at Factory of the Year Awards
Modelled on the prestigious and long-established Die Fabrik des Jahres contest in Germany, GyártásTrend magazine and its publisher PPH Media have just staged their 4th Factory of the Year competition in Hungary. Applicants submitted a total of 63 entries by the end of November 2018, of which 3 were shortlisted in each category by competition partner Process Solutions Kft..
Organisers revealed that high-turnover large enterprises were heavily over-represented this year, so competition was intense. Shortlisted companies were visited by PPH Media, Process Solutions and further competition partners MTA SZTAKI and CYEB, to audit entry data on site and gain direct insights into factory operations. Their findings were presented to a panel of experts, who then picked the category winners.

This year STI Petőfi Nyomda Kft. is delighted to have been shortlisted in five different categories as well as being crowned the winner of Best Management Processes. "Our 2018 Factory of the Year Award is so much more than another highlight for the showcase; it confirms our deeply held belief that tradition and innovation can coexist. We accept the Best Management Processes Award with pride, as a token of reassurance to our partners and employees as they support our continued drive for creative, contemporary and effective solutions," said Mr. Ferenc Gömöri, HR Manager.